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The Honey Trap
New Play Exchange
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The morning of July 4th 1957, the largest above ground nuclear bomb was detonated in the continental United States, sixty miles from Las Vegas.

A corrupt ex-Air Force Colonel has checked into “Frank Sinatra’s” room at a Las Vegas Hotel 60 miles from the Atomic Bomb test. He is joined by a showgirl, a Bell Hop, and his “Miss Guided Missile” Russian spy secretary. The party had just begun when an F.B.I. agent shows up. She is Japanese. Before the chauvinistic Colonel can work his oily charms on agent MK, his wife shows up unexpectantly. 
The Atomic Bomb test is a success, but it alters the lives of everyone involved.


"Plays like The Honey Trap are why I watch theater. This is a play for grown-ups.
It addresses relatable issues. I predict it will have a growing and successful shelf life
in the theater world."
- William Powell
- DC Metro Theater Arts

Michael James Heartly

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